Blooming Daily: Filling Your Cup With Joy

Since I've started my full-time job, I'm realizing each day how precious free time truly is. With eight to ten hours of my time spent working, and (wishfully) seven to eight hours spent sleeping, there are only a few hours of free time to do what I like to call "filling my cup" during the weekdays. Those of you with busy schedules can empathize when I say the cup that holds my free time looks like this espresso tazza:

tazza for CUP BLOG.jpeg

In college, and even before then, I certainly took my free time for granted. You know the phrase "you don't know what you've got until it's gone?" I'm convinced they were talking about abundant free time. And quite possibly the act of enjoying espresso with a view of the Italian countryside.


My first few months of post-grad were a time of transition and adjustment. Running from commitment to commitment and settling into my new home left me feeling like I couldn't catch my breath. I was eating most of my meals on-the-go, rolling up to the gas station on E, and taking what felt like thirty second showers. I felt like I didn't have time to fill my own cup with joy, let alone show up in an authentic way for the most important people in my life. I knew something had to change.

So, with my gold sparkle journal and a warm cup of (you guessed it) coffee, I had an honest sit down with myself. Through trial and error, a lot internal compromise, and many scribbled-on pages later, I was able to outline my daily joys which help me be the most radiant and loving version of myself each day. This list serves as reminder of how to generate joy in my life even when the blocks on my calendar are bursting with color-coded to dos. Where my type-A girls at?

What fills my cup:

1. Meaningful Connection. Time spent with family and friends takes precedence over all. I've found that even if joys 2-6 don't happen on a given day, good conversations and simply being with those I love is enough.

2. Soul Work. Prayer, journaling, and meditation

3. Body Work. Functional exercise, adequate sleep, and nourishing foods

4. Mind Work. Knowledge, learning, creative projects, and pursuing passions

5. Service Work. Making a conscious effort to support someone or something selflessly

6. Laughter and Spontaneity. Scheduling in time to laugh and smile sounds counter-intuitive to the whole idea of "spontaneous" activities but believe me, this one keeps me level headed. There is nothing like a good LOL to boost your spirits amiright? 

~Bonus points go to God when I get the opportunity to pair two or more together~
"My cup overflows with your blessings" Psalm 23:5

Maybe you have been where I was just a few months back, struggling to adjust to a new schedule and unsure on how to fit in time for self-care during such a busy season. 

Maybe you are where I was- recently graduated from high school or college, starting a new job, or working to rekindle relationships with people you haven't seen in quite some time.

Even further, maybe you are in a phase of life I haven't even touched yet- getting married, expecting a baby, moving to a new city, or even watching your children do any one of these things...

I see the women in my life of all ages going through these life transitions that have left them craving a sense of groundedness. Reflecting on this fact that we are all interconnected and going through similar-but-different changes in our lives is what inspired me to pursue my health coaching certification and conceptualize Rising Rooted. I'm here for you, I see you, and I support you. *insert big melty virtual hug here*


The good news is that you don't have to wait until you find yourself in one of these seasons of growth and change to build a road map for self-care.There is never a bad time to plot out some strategies for filling your cup with the warm and good things you value most!

All it takes is the decision to begin. Make a list of the things in your life which fill you up; identify your non-negotiables which make your happiness bloom daily. Maybe your list looks similar to mine, or maybe it looks drastically different. Getting real with yourself about sustainable and realistic habits and routines might take a little mental effort, but what you'll find will be worth your while. Ask yourself who makes you smile and what things you love. Ask yourself why you do what you do. Ask yourself how you relax, rest, and refresh. Tape your answers on your bathroom mirror, or set them as the background on your phone. Every day you rise, let your list guide your intentions. Let it root you in joy. ♥