Two Ingredient Hemp Milk

This two ingredient hemp milk is EASY and comes together so fast on those mornings when you open the fridge and find it nearly empty. It’s nutty and creamy, so it serves as a great coffee creamer, smoothie base, or topper for granola and berries! Not only is the taste of hemp great, but one serving (3tbsp) has 10 grams of plant-based protein!

1/2c hemp hearts (I use these)
2c filtered water

Optional Add ins
1tsp vanilla extract
1 date (for sweetness)
pinch of sea salt

• Combine hemp hearts and water to a blender
•Blend on low for one minute or until smooth
•Store in an airtight container in the fridge for 5 days. Shake well before using!

For more ideas on healthy variations of coffee (and caffeine free alternatives), check out this post!


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